Making your Mark

The importance of brand positioning for law firms.
June 27, 2024
In today's highly competitive legal market, effective brand positioning is crucial for law firms seeking to differentiate themselves and attract top-tier clients. A strong, distinct brand identity is a powerful tool that communicates your firm's values, culture and expertise.
Simon Spence

What is branding and positioning?

A brand encompasses many intangible elements that shape how it is perceived. These elements include a firm’s name, logo, tone, messaging, personality and more. Branding is vital in establishing recognition for what a company stands for and how it differentiates itself from competitors.

Positioning is a strategic way to communicate what makes a brand unique, valuable and different from competitors. Whilst branding establishes recognition, positioning outlines why customers should choose your brand over others. It frames your brand around the differentiated value you provide.

Together, branding and positioning provide a framework for marketing and business strategy, influencing consumer relationships and loyalty. Effective branding and positioning will guide decision-making across an organisation, leading to consistency that builds further trust.

For professional service providers, branding and positioning are critical. They influence the perceptions of current clients and prospects. This shapes a decision to instruct a firm and a willingness to pay premium rates.

Branding builds recognition and loyalty

A strong brand is one of the most valuable assets a company can have. Effective branding makes a business stand out in a crowded marketplace and creates lasting recognition and loyalty among consumers. Law firms and service providers are no exception.

It takes time and strategic effort to build brand equity. The payoff is immense. A firm will gain a competitive edge with a distinctive and consistent brand.

Many factors influence how memorable and valued a brand becomes. A unique visual identity will ensure your firm is recognisable. Messaging aligned with your positioning and values will also shape perception. Brand impressions are equally formed by the caliber of service and overall customer experience you deliver.

In the legal industry especially, professionalism, integrity and expertise are paramount. Going above and beyond to provide personalised care is what transforms one firm into a brand that clients want to work with and will recommend enthusiastically. When your brand represents a quality service that solves problems and eases burdens for clients, it becomes one they can trust and rely on. That drives loyalty even when competitors vie for their business.

Positioning communicates brand value

An effective positioning strategy highlights the key benefits and advantages your firm offers to clients. This helps attract the right customers who will appreciate your brand promise and value proposition.

Rather than making vague claims, smart positioning is based on tangible traits and strengths. By defining your brand positioning, you clarify what you want to be known for. This guides marketing and operations to deliver on that promise.

For law firms, positioning is especially important to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Many firms offer similar services on the surface. Positioning digs deeper to communicate your unique perspective, approach, expertise and why clients should trust you.

An authentic, consistent position builds a competitive advantage, giving potential customers a reason to choose you over competitors.

Consistency is key

A strong brand is built on consistency. Presenting a consistent and unified brand reinforces core values and builds familiarity and trust with your audience.

Consistency strengthens your brand by:

  • Establishing recognition
    A consistent look and feel means people can instantly recognise your firm or services.
  • Managing perceptions
    A steady brand platform shapes how people perceive your business. Consistency makes the right impressions.
  • Improving memorability
    Repeated exposure to consistent branding makes your brand more memorable.
  • Building trust and credibility
    Consistency makes your law firm seem authoritative, established and dependable.
  • Streamlining marketing
    A cohesive brand means your marketing materials have built-in continuity.
  • Avoiding confusion
    Consistent branding prevents mixed messages that can dilute or confuse your brand identity.

By ensuring that brand experiences are aligned, a firm can strengthen recognition, shape perception and build trust.

Adapt branding strategically

A brand's visual identity and messaging may need to evolve over time as the company grows, expands into new markets or refines its strategy. However, these shifts should be intentional and strategic.

Any branding updates should align with the company's core brand values, key differentiators and brand positioning. Drastic, frequent changes risk diluting brand recognition and equity.

Law firms should be selective in modernising branding elements. For example, adopting a friendlier visual style could boost approachability.

When refreshing a brand, avoid generic trends that clash with positioning. Stay true to what sets your firm apart. Changes should build off existing brand equity and not require starting over from scratch. Test updates to select audiences to ensure the essence of the brand still shines.

With a thoughtful strategy guiding branding adaptations over time, law firms can keep their visual and verbal identity distinct yet relevant across changing business landscapes.

Use branding to differentiate in competitive markets

The legal industry is highly competitive. Having a strong brand helps differentiate your firm and make it stand out. With so many options, potential clients look for firms that align with their specific needs and values.

Branding enables you to establish a unique identity and carve out your niche in the legal market. This allows you to better attract clients that fit your specialties, rather than competing on being generic.

For example, by focusing on startups and tech companies, your firm’s brand can echo qualities of innovation, forward-thinking and responsiveness. Niche branding makes a firm appealing to the type of clients you want to work with.

In a crowded marketplace, having a differentiated brand voice, personality and visual identity will help you stand apart while also attracting ideal clients. Rather than blending in, branding allows you to communicate what makes your firm stand out.

Humanise your legal brand

The legal industry is making significant progress with engaging clients through various events and initiatives but it can often still feel cold and impersonal. Humanising your brand will allow you to convey your expertise and values in a more approachable way. Adding personality and human elements to your brand can help you better connect and resonate with your audience.

Some tips for humanising your legal brand:

  • Share insights into your team
    Let clients get to know the real people in your team by highlighting their various activities. Celebrating successes, attending industry events and participating in charitable activities all help to create a stronger impression of your firm and its culture.
  • Communicate your "why"
    Convey not just what you do, but why you do it. What motivates your work and what do you care most about? Telling your origin story and mission can help clients relate to you at a deeper level.
  • Highlight community involvement
    Demonstrate your brand's values and priorities by showcasing charitable initiatives, volunteer work and other ways you contribute to the community.
  • Use authentic visuals
    Images of real team members, not stock photos, make your brand feel more human. Similarly, opt for pictures of real office environments over generic depictions of boardrooms.
  • Adopt a conversational tone
    While you want to maintain professionalism, legal writing doesn't have to be formal and stiff. An accessible, conversational style can make your brand messaging and content more relatable.

Humanising a law firm takes thoughtfulness and care. Conveying shared values helps demonstrate why clients should care about and connect with your brand, building affinity and trust with clients.

Measure brand sentiment and equity

Understanding how your brand is perceived and the equity associated with it is crucial. There are several ways to measure brand sentiment and equity:

  • Surveys, interviews and focus groups to get client feedback. Ask clients directly about their perceptions, awareness and feelings toward your brand. Track changes over time through recurring surveys.
  • Brand tracking studies can measure brand awareness, consideration, preferences and other metrics. These studies typically involve large sample surveys done periodically to gauge brand health.
  • Social listening and monitoring online conversations about your brand. Look at volume of mentions, sentiment, key topics and changes over time.
  • Brand valuation by third party firms who estimate the financial value of your brand based on its strength, reputation and competitive standing.
  • Win/loss analysis on why you won or lost recent new business opportunities. Look for brand perception themes.
  • Employee feedback on how they view the brand and promote it through their work.

Regular tracking through both quantitative studies and qualitative feedback provides visibility into how your brand resonates, its perceived strengths/weaknesses and opportunities to improve. Investing in brand measurement allows you to make data-driven decisions to refine your positioning and messaging.

Invest in brand strategy and management

A strong brand requires dedicated and long-term focus. It is a strategic investment that involves in-depth research, competitive analysis, a clear definition of position, established brand guidelines, an optimised website and more. Managing a brand is consistently steering the experience across every customer touchpoint.

Law firms should budget resources and talent to brand building. Hiring experienced brand strategists and designers to guide the process will provide a roadmap for expressing your distinct value and personality in ways that attract clients. It's not a one-time project, but rather an ongoing commitment to reinforcing your desired brand image. With the right brand strategy and management, you can transform an unknown firm into an authoritative industry leader.

Branding to support business goals

Law firms should align their branding efforts with key objectives such as expanding their client base, attracting top talent and securing strategic partnerships.

Supporting business development

Consistent and strategic branding conveys expertise, builds trust and gives clients confidence in the firm's capabilities to meet their needs. This supports business development efforts to grow their client base and win larger clients.

Attracting and retaining top talent

In attracting top legal talent, branding is a vital asset. Promoting a distinct 'employer' brand highlights a firm's values, culture and strengths. Effective onboarding and internal branding also boosts employee engagement and retention of top performers.

Forging strategic partnerships

A strong brand can attract commercial partnerships. Strategic alignments can be crucial in expanding services and/or geographic reach. Commercial partners are more inclined to associate with strong, consistent brands.

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